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Change of Address with DOS
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If you have a pending application or petition with the Department of State, you must notify them of your address change to avoid processing delays.

Depending on the type of application, you may have to report your new address to either the National Visa Center (NVC), or the consulate/embassy where your case will be processed. There is no dedicated DOS form to update your address, however, so you will need to email or write to the appropriate office.

For NVC, you can email them at [email protected]. To ensure proper delivery and handling:

  • Enter your NVC Case Number in the Subject Line of the e-mail
  • Include your name and date of birth in your email message
  • For employment-based application, provide the employer's name also
  • Clearly indicate your OLD and NEW mailing addresses

You may also send a letter to NVC at:

Department of State
National Visa Center
Attn: CMR
31 Rochester Ave. Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

For more questions, call NVC's customer service at (603) 334-0700. The above NVC mailing address is correct as of July 2011. Please double check with the Department of State to make sure the address is still valid.

To find the contact information for a particular U.S. Consulate or Embassy, please go to (a new tab or window will open).

As always, keep copies and a log of all your communications with the department.

IMPORTANT: The method above only applies to changing address with the Department of State. If you have an immigration application or petition at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), you must follow a separate process detailed here.

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