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Russian in America: Green Cards

Below is a table showing persons from Russia obtaining legal permanent resident status (green card) in the United States:

  FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2006
Total 11,695 9,426 13,188
New arrivals 3,872 4,319 6,175
Adjustments of status 7,823 5,107 7,013
Under 18 years 4,455 4,377 5,819
18 to 24 years 1,033 749 1,126
25 to 34 years 1,898 1,327 1,768
35 to 44 years 1,845 993 1,511
45 to 54 years 1,061 689 1,164
55 to 64 years 719 588 840
65 years and over 684 703 960
Unknown - - -
Marital status      
Single 5,785 5,227 7,089
Married 5,103 3,389 5,043
Other 754 762 1,000
Unknown 53 48 56
Management, professional, and related occupations 2,028 1,006 1,197
Service occupations 279 278 386
Sales and office occupations 309 291 406
Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 6 D 3
Construction, extraction, maintenance and repair occupations 43 D 87
Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 158 144 222
Military - - -
No occupation/not working outside home 6,751 6,100 8,196
Homemakers 839 474 666
Students or children 5,032 4,775 6,399
Retirees 145 105 191
Unemployed 735 746 940
Unknown 2,121 1,562 2,691
Broad class of admission      
Family-sponsored preferences 235 135 198
Employment-based preferences 4,045 1,466 1,461
Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens 4,023 4,502 6,932
Diversity 200 182 232
Refugees and asylees 3,114 3,065 4,146
Other 78 76 219
Leading states of residence      
Arizona 168 158  
California 1,960 1,446 2,226
Colorado 252 271 324
Connecticut 166   179
Florida 573 552 793
Georgia 325 268 281
Illinois 534 398 525
Maryland 425 286 415
Massachusetts 479 368 447
Michigan 222 202 224
Minnesota 226   333
New Jersey 472 350 521
New York 1,437 1,205 2,048
North Carolina 195 170 247
Ohio 262 202 316
Pennsylvania 492 363 515
Texas 495 366 493
Virginia 408 267 350
Washington 742 622 698

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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