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Korean in America: Green Cards

Below is a table showing persons from Korea obtaining legal permanent resident status (green card) in the United States:

  FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2006
Total 26,666 22,405 24,386
New arrivals 5,229 5,339 5,614
Adjustments of status 21,437 17,066 18,772
Under 18 years 5,822 5,177 5,707
18 to 24 years 1,869 1,739 1,882
25 to 34 years 4,770 4,460 5,066
35 to 44 years 8,087 5,465 5,553
45 to 54 years 3,976 3,306 3,386
55 to 64 years 1,045 1,080 1,324
65 years and over 1,097 1,178 1,468
Unknown - - -
Marital status      
Single 8,559 7,525 8,230
Married 17,260 13,994 15,035
Other 787 834 1,039
Unknown 60 52 82
Management, professional, and related occupations 5,446 3,584 3,402
Service occupations 520 547 623
Sales and office occupations 636 600 678
Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 23 D 17
Construction, extraction, maintenance and repair occupations 75 56 121
Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 327 329 409
Military 3 D -
No occupation/not working outside home 13,162 11,543 12,403
Homemakers 3,732 3,033 3,129
Students or children 7,376 6,457 6,781
Retirees 171 173 250
Unemployed 1,883 1,880 2,243
Unknown 6,474 5,719 6,733
Broad class of admission      
Family-sponsored preferences 2,042 2,222 2,412
Employment-based preferences 16,165 11,308 10,886
Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens 8,423 8,848 11,040
Diversity 7 D 6
Refugees and asylees 8 D 14
Other 21 15 28
Leading states of residence      
Arizona 302 256 226
California 9,315 7,420 6,910
Colorado 293 262 298
Florida 509 336 513
Georgia 1,063 950 915
Illinois 1,109 1,011 945
Maryland 893 699 887
Massachusetts 400 292 335
Michigan 443 370 431
New Jersey 2,186 1,756 2,096
New York 2,290 2,266 3,006
North Carolina 359 300 314
Ohio 234 235 246
Pennsylvania 621 587 529
Texas 1,267 874 1,046
Virginia 1,416 1,388 1,827
Washington 729 759 869

Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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