IMPORTANT: The Department of Labor' iCert System will be replaced by the new FLAG System. Starting Oct. 1, 2019, all LCA applications for H-1B, H-1B1 and E-3 must be submitted through the FLAG System.
If your case was filed through the Department of Labor's iCERT system, you can use DOL's iCert online tool to check the status of your PERM labor certification, Labor Condition Application (LCA for H-1B), or H-2A/H-2B Application. Your employer or attorney should have your case number to access the iCert system. Important: iCert is being replaced by the new cloud-based FLAG system (see below). If your case was filed through the new FLAG system, your employer or attorney will need to log into their FLAG account to check the status.
Seven days.
The Foreign Labor Application Gateway (FLAG) is a cloud-based portal designed to replace OFLC's current iCERT System and will serve as the new application filing and case management solution for all foreign labor certification programs.
Throughout 2019, online filing of labor certification will gradually move to the FLAG system. CW-1 is the first, followed by H-2B, H-2A, and finally H-1B, H-1B1 and E-3.
If your case is at least 3 months outside the current processing window, you may send an email to [email protected] and inquire about your case status.
When your employer submits an application online, the iCERT system generates a unique case number. You must have this number to check the status of your application online.
An iCERT case number contains 15 digits and is in this format: G-100-yyyyy-ZZZZZZ