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12 Ways to Check USCIS Case Status - Page 2

7. Submit a case inquiry?

USCIS now accepts online inquiries if you fall into one of the following situations:

  • Your case is outside USCIS normal processing time and you haven't heard from them.
  • You did not receive notice by mail that you were expecting.
  • You did not receive the card that you had been waiting for.
  • You did not receive a document that USCIS sent you.

8. Contact CIS Ombudsman

You can submit a case problem to the CIS Ombudsman using DHS Form 7001. There is no fee for submitting a problem. Although the Ombudsman cannot adjudicate your application or offer any legal advice, he may be able to provide assistance if you have an ongoing or urgent issue with the USCIS. DHS has an excellent website that contains all the important information on one page. The website is and the email address is [email protected]

9. Call FBI Fingerprint Line

You will need your A-number when calling the FBI at 304-625-5590. A representative may be able to tell you when the fingerprint check result was sent back to the USCIS. Since a fingerprint check is relatively straightforward and usually completed within 24 - 48 hours, calling them is only useful when you have reasons to believe that your FP result may have been lost.

10. Write to the Section Chief of FBI Name Check Program

You can also try sending a letter to Mr. Cannon if you have a compelling case:

  Mr. Michael A. Cannon
Section Chief
National Name Check Program Section
Records Management Division, FBI
935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20535

11. Initiate FOIPA Request

Filing a Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request will force the FBI to search your name in the database (main files only) and mail you the result. Most people will receive a written response in 1 to 2 months, indicating "no record" is found that matches their names. However, as we explained in the FBI Name Check section, this doesn't mean your name check is already cleared, because the FBI has to check the reference files as well for USCIS requests. It is reassuring nonetheless.

Go to the FBI's FOIA website, and check out the Privacy Act Instructions on the right side, which has the form as an embedded PDF file. Do not submit the FOIA request which is different from FOIPA. It is free of charge.

12. USCIS Service and Office Locators

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