New Government Websites to Track Stimulus Funds

President Obama recently launched a new website – – to allow taxpayers to track how stimulus money is being used.

DHS also created, to provide more details about the department’s allocation of the $3 billion in new homeland security funding. Here is a break-down so far, but not much will be spent on immigration services, in case you are wondering:

St. Elizabeths/DHS Headquarters Consolidation:

  • $650 million ($200 million to DHS; $450 million to GSA)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP):

  • $720 million for construction at land ports of entry ($300 million GSA; $420 million CBP)
  • $100 million for Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology
  • $100 million for border technology on the southwest border
  • $60 million for tactical communications equipment and radios

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):

  • $20 million for ICE automation modernization and tactical communications

Transportation Security Administration:

  • $1 billion for explosives detection systems and checkpoint screening equipment

U.S. Coast Guard:

  • $142 million for Alteration of Bridges program
  • $98 million for construction, which may include the following:
    • Shore facilities and aids to navigation facilities
    • Vessel repair/acquisition (includes High Endurance Cutter, National Security Cutter)

Federal Emergency Management Agency:

  • $100 million for Emergency Food and Shelter Program
  • $150 million for transit and rail security grants
  • $150 million for port security grants, no non-federal match required
  • $210 million for Assistance to Firefighter (AFG) grants for firehouse construction; maximum grant is $15.0M
  • $5 million expansion in authority for FEMA Community Disaster Loans
  • Requires the establishment of an arbitration panel to resolve Katrina/Rita public assistance disputes
  • Requires FEMA to accept additional applications for Katrina/Rita public assistance
  • All non-federal matching requirements for SAFER grants waived for FY 2009-2010

DHS Office of Inspector General:

  • $5 million to conduct related oversight and audits

1 thought on “New Government Websites to Track Stimulus Funds”

  1. How and where can we track the $210million for Aid to Firefighters–building construction?

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