What Exactly is Wrong with Imigration?

Question: What exactly is wrong with imigration?

Answer: Letter ‘m’ is missing.

Ok, it doesn’t solve all the immigration problems this country is facing, but at least we are one step closer. For some reason I feel that writing this post makes the world a better place than a full day debate on Capitol Hill does, but it may just be me.

Now let me show you why this is a pressing issue before you click away.

Try a Google search on imigration:


And the smart 10-year-old offers you a friendly reminder: did you mean immigration, and also gives you the USCIS home page just in case you did:


Obviously you will see lots of “imigration discussions” in forum posts, like this one calling for respect of our imigration laws:


But you also see Amazon.com selling a book “Why Does Imigration Divide America?” Well, hopefully it is not because half the people can spell immigration correctly.


I’ll see your books and raise you videos! CBS news video: Committed to Imigration Reform.


But it is not just businesses, our higher-learning institutions often let the typo slip through too. The SFCC’s International Student Services has good information about imigration:


The State of Massachusetts joins the party too, presenting “An Act relative to illegal imigration.” You’d figure if one can spell Massachusetts, immigration should be piece of cake, no?


The Department of Justice – a federal government – has a list of free legal services providers who represent individuals in all forms of imigration cases:


The FDA, known for paying attention to small details, has this one in a data file:


And finally, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), who doesn’t publish anything without the word immigration on it, missed one too:


Before I forget, the word emigration has only one ‘m’ though, but you will see plenty of emmigration on the internet, especially when it is discussed together with immigration.

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